Raheel is a Canadian citizen and believes in the values of free speech, democracy, gender equality and pluralism.
Raheel is a Canadian citizen and believes in the values of free speech, democracy, gender equality and pluralism.
Raheel was born in Pakistan and migrated to Canada in 1988. Her journey has led to publications in major newspapers in Canada and appearances on International media outlets like CNN, BBC, Fox News and CBC.
Our Narrative should be louder than the Extremists
“No peace among the nations without peace among the religions. No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions. No dialogue between the religions without investigation of the foundation of the religions.” ― Hans Kung.
In pursuit of her vision that “humanity is but one community”, Raheel is passionate about the causes of women’s rights (especially in third world countries), extremism and radicalization. She has presented her thoughts at:
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