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Opinion: TDSB lets antisemitism meeting devolve into hate-fest

Could the UK’s ‘Grooming Gangs’ operate in Canada? Raheel Raza for Inside Policy

Women on the frontlines

Opinion: Muslim radicalization has increased, not decreased, since 9/11

Opinion: If Israel is successful, it will unlock a brighter future for Muslims

For lasting peace for Muslims and Jews, we must reconfigure the two-state solution: Raheel Raza and Mohammad Rizwan for Inside Policy

Opinion: ‘Day after’ plan needed to bring peace to the Middle East

Could Trump herald a new era of peace in the Middle East?: Rizwan Mohammad and Raheel Raza in Real Clear World

Raheel Raza: How a kidney transplant renewed my faith in humankind

Raheel Raza: Christmas is a time of joy, not discrimination and politicization

Opinion: The Muslim world’s selective outrage over Israel

Raheel Raza: As a practising Muslim, I find Al-Quds Day abhorrent

How Muslim leaders missed a chance for peace.

Raheel Raza: I’m a Muslim and I love Israel. Here’s why

Opinion: Can the Conservatives save Canada? That depends

Raheel Raza: TDSB wrong to adopt ‘anti-Palestinian racism’ policy

Raheel Raza and Mohammad Rizwan: The hateful motives upon which Toronto’s ‘Little Gaza’ is built

Opinion: Abraham Accords provide a solution for rebuilding Gaza post-Hamas

Opinion: Pakistan strike but the latest salvo in Iran’s terror campaign

As Muslim Women, We Must Keep Talking About Hamas’ Sex Crimes on Oct. 7 | Opinion

October 7 massacre shows UN’s irrelevance – opinion

Pakistan should normalize relations with Israel

Raheel Raza: Opposing extremism is not Islamophobic, despite what recent report suggests

Diary of a “Dialysis Diva” – Part 2

Part 2 – 2022   In January 2022 I turned 72 and was ready physically, mentally and emotionally to face the challenges of Chronic Kidney Disease. I was nicknamed “Dialysis Diva” and I got purple highlights in my hair to prepare me for the future.  My GFR was slowly declining and I knew it’s only […]

Diary of a “Dialysis Diva” – Part 1

Part 1 – 2021   In March 2021 I got COVID which was painful. More painful was the fact that at the same time, very suddenly I was diagnosed with failing kidneys. My family doctor got me an urgent appointment with a Nephrologist at the Kidney Clinic in Etobicoke and this was the start of […]

Raheel Raza: Western women need to understand that in Iran, the hijab is a symbol of oppression, not freedom

SLOBODIAN: Alberta government yields to mosque pressure, removes Collin May

Raheel Raza: A satanic attack on freedom — Salman Rushdie remains a giant

The power of Ms. Marvel extends into real life by bringing generations together

Muslim Reformer and Writer Raheel Raza Fights for the Soul of Islam

For Afghan women, the Taliban boot looms large

The very evil that the allied forces went in to uproot in Afghanistan is being allowed to sweep back in after they leave.

Muslim group fights anti-Semitism

Battle against anti-Semitism has barely begun

I got Cancelled for Being an Anti-Islamist Muslim

Some years ago, I was contacted by a journalist from BBC as she was looking for a Muslim woman to comment on an Islamic issue dealing with women in Indonesia.

Karima Baloch’s Death: A Sad Day For Freedom

The untimely death of Karima Baloch is shocking and deeply disturbing.

Why Israel’s peace deals with the UAE and Bahrain are great news for Muslims

No, Erin O’Toole doesn’t owe Muslims an apology

“Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match”

I seem to have inherited my mother’s matchmaking talent by default.

A Warning From Dial – a – Fatwa

“According to an e-mail from an American Muslim group, I’ve received fatwa ruling number 2/882”

Racism and Media

Media, is our biggest challenge of the new millennium – it represents one of the most powerful institutions in a democratic society.

Our First Canadian Cottage Experience

As Canadians of South Asian heritage, the cottage experience is new to us.

Muslim Convert Encourages an Islamic Reform

It’s been two decades since academic and author Jeffrey Lang made the passage from atheist to devout Muslim, yet he remains as passionate as ever about his conversion.

Reflections on Feeling Nifty at Fifty

This Millennium affected people in so many different ways.

World Parliament of Religions-Pathways to Peace

The 2004 Parliament of World Religions was organized in partnership with the Universal Forum of Cultures – Barcelona 2004 (which runs from May to September) and in association with the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia.

Their Jihad is not my Jihad

Since September 11 last year, I’ve been invited to many churches, schools and community centres, to speak about Islam to non-Muslims.


At a Muslim wedding in Markham last week, about 350 guests faced an embarrassing situation.

What US universities don’t want you to know about their foreign funding


The Rise Of Islamic Extremism In Canada

My family and I came to Canada more than 30 years ago from Pakistan because we saw the rise of Islamist fundamentalism in the land of our birth.

Raheel Raza – Challenging Radical Dawa

Bridge City News- Raheel Raza

Muslim reformist, Raheel Raza: What about the taboo on criticizing Muslim bigotries?

An Honest Discussion with a Muslim Lady

Tommy Robinson’s arrest signals “tragic downward trend of freedom”

Ezra Levant of and Raheel Raza, President of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, discuss Tommy Robinson’s arrest.

Raheel Raza on Israel National News

Israel National News

Ben Shapiro with Raheel Raza

Live Exclusive: Ben Shapiro with Raheel Raza

Meeting George Bush for Lunch

Islamic history is something we do not debate or discuss. We accept it as handed down to us. So we have villains who have been made into heroes and heroes who remain unidentified.

Axiom’s edge Raheel Raza conversation

In this episode of Axiom’s Edge with Andy Kline, I talk with Raheel Raza about the Uighur Muslims in China, Canada’s trek towards Orwellianism, Trump, women in Islam, what is Jihad and other topics.

Silence Me? Stand at the End of the Queue!

Certain quarters on the Left, probably under a lot of $$$$ influence, are suggesting that I’m anti-Muslim.

Why Is Raheel Raza Screaming?

Having recently addressed the U.S. Congress, Clarion spokeswoman and board member Raheel Raza this week took on Canada’s parliament. Speaking to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, she urged an end to hate and the promotion of Muslim reformers.

Free Raif Badawi: Plea at UN Human Rights Council

President Donald Trump in his address to the UN General assembly in New York last week critiqued some of those countries holding positions in the human rights council that offer no human rights for their own citizens.

Tommy Robinson asks Raheel Raza in Geneza: is the UN useless?

Tommy Robinson and Raheel Raza of meet outside the UN in Geneva, and discuss how activists remain a thorn in the side of the Islamic nations who continue to ignore human rights abuse.

Muslim Reformer Raheel Raza: Time to take on Islamist Supremacists

It’s crucial to criticize all forms of evil. In light of the recent Nazi rally in the US, it is important to call out white supremacists like the KKK. But as a society, Americans and others must also condemn Islamist supremacists with the same passion.

Raheel Raza speaking JCCco

Raheel Raza speaking JCCco

What Real Islamic Reform Would Look Like

We know that the Christian Reform movement is celebrating 500 years going back to 1517 when Martin Luther published a protest against the church as it then existed. Reform Hinduism is a movement also known as revivalism. There is reform in Judaism.

Raheel Raza: Let’s Defeat the Ideology

I testified before Congress Thursday on the subject of radical Islam, “Homegrown Terrorism” and “Countering Violent Extremism.”

Clarion Talks to Congress: How to Challenge Radical Islam

Clarion Project’s Raheel Raza gives testimony to Congress regarding radical Islam in the United States and ways to counter it. She offers 4 major points that the US Congress must take into consideration to challenge Islamic violent extremism in the West.

Jihadi Jackpot!

A few days ago we celebrated Canada’s 150th birthday, and I wrote a glowing piece about my love for this country that I call home. This is why when I see something going terribly wrong, it hits me right in the heart.

Clarion’s Raheel Raza at the UN Human Rights Council

I just returned from attending the 35th session of UNHRC in Geneva. It’s been a year since I’ve been there, and much has changed.

Unscripted with Zach Merchant

Unscripted with Zach Merchant

Canada needs a commission on “radical Islamist ideology

Ezra Levant, of, and Raheel Raza, President of the Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow, discussed what the West needs to do after the Manchester terrorist attack. Raheel says need action, not platitudes.

O Canada: Muslim Accommodation Gone Too Far?

Last week I traveled to Pakistan to attend to my mother-in-law who was very ill. Although I visit my land of birth once a year, this was my husband’s first visit in 16 years.

Raheel Raza: How To Improve Muslim Integration in West

To some extent radicalization would be lessened if Muslims were better integrated into the West (U.S.) but I would define integration not only as physical but mental and emotional integration as well.

The Mark Steyn Show with Raheel Raza

The Mark Steyn Show

Politically incorrect and Proud

Clarion Project’s Raheel Raza says it like it is. If calling out radical Islam is politically incorrect then so be it. Raheel is bold enough to criticize and challenge radical Islam, are you?

The invention of “ISLAMOPHOBIA” & the importance of FREE SPEECH

Canada Heading Towards Blasphemy Law

On December 5, 2016, Canadian MP Iqra Khalid proposed a bill against Islamophobia (Motion 103). She began her statement in parliament by saying, “Mr. Speaker, I am a young, brown, Muslim, Canadian woman…”

“Islam in a Secular Democracy” Q&A highlights

No Sharia, one law for all – Islam in a secular democracy

The Truth about the Muslim Ban

Raheel Raza Reflects on 2016, Islamophobia, Islamism, Political Correctness and Trump


It’s A Global Jihad, Stupid

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and a fellow reformist Muslim, has just suggested a new mantra in the fight against terror: “It’s the global jihad, stupid.”

Dr. Jasser & Raheel Raza discuss the reformation that Islam needs

Dr. Jasser and Raheel Raza discuss the need for Islam to undergo a reformation and the role that the Muslim community plays in that reformation.

Raheel Raza: Speaking out for Muslim women’s rights

Two Small Steps for Women, A Long Road Ahead for Womenkind

Pakistan is among the worst places in the world to be a woman.

A Muslim Speaks: 15 Years After 9/11

September 11, 2016 marks fifteen years since the horrific terror attacks that brought down the twin towers, killed thousands of Americans and struck at the heart of America.

Muslim feminist to Sally Kohn: Stop defending ‘oppressive’, ‘perverse’ Sharia law

Muslim Woman Activist to Sally Kohn: We Fight for You, While You Fight Against Us

Political commentator Sally Kohn has made several statements regarding sharia law, which were not only offensive but dangerous.

The Winter Of Discontent For Women In The Middle East And North Africa

Since the Arab Spring, which quickly turned into the winter of discontent, the status of women in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has been of particular concern to human rights groups generally and to women’s rights activists specifically.

Trump is right about radical Islam: Raheel Raza

Honor Killings: Still Our Worst Nightmare

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of travelling to Ottawa to meet the Honourable Rona Ambrose, leader of the Canadian Opposition.

The Ezra Levant Show

The Ezra Levant Show

There Is No Honor In Murder

Qandeel Baloch, was a 26-year-old social media celebrity who had boldly decided to live “outside the box.” The box in this case being the parameters laid out by the majority of men in Pakistan dictating how much freedom a woman can have in their staunchly patriarchal society.

When Hate is Promoted by Religious Leaders, Why Blame the Followers?

“Imam Abdullah Hakim Quick then goes on to connect being gay with Zionism — his anti-Semitic sentiments at their best. All this while standing at a pulpit. If this is not a crime of hate, then what is? Does this imam have nothing positive to speak about in his sermon, besides spreading the Islamist agenda of hate and bigotry?”

When Hate is Promoted by Religious Leader, Why Blame the Followers?

The Brave Muslim Supporters of Israel

Toronto Imam says he is a changed man despite homophobic comments on YouTube

The Savage Nation- Raheel Raza Interview

The Savage Nation

RaheelRaza – Muslim Opinions and Demographics

By the Numbers is an honest and open discussion about Muslim opinions and demographics. Narrated by Raheel Raza, president of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, this short film is about the acceptance that radical Islam is a bigger problem than most politically correct governments and individuals are ready to admit.

Muslims need to move into the 21st Century

BBC News

The Exchange; Raheel Raza: Muslim Beliefs By the Numbers

The Exchange

The women marked for death by Islamic fatwa face threats with fear, courage

Here Are The Moderate Muslims; Where Are You?

Following the Brussels attacks, I’ve been glued to mainstream media listening very attentively to political pundits, intelligence agencies, experts and analysts.

Robert Fulford: Terror as a fact of life

No More Hug-A-Terrorist

“How hard is it to understand that radical Islamist jihadis have declared war on the West? In simple English this means: they will find you and kill you wherever and whenever they can.”

Watch Clarion’s Raheel Raza Fight Islamism on Bill Maher Show

President Obama’s mosque visit gets mixed reviews

My chat with activist Raheel Raza, Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow

Youtube video

GRAPHIC: Here’s Your Peaceful Islam Beating Innocent Afghan Woman

The true nature of Islam: It’s like a deadly virus that threatens the whole world, says Muslim expert

“They don’t speak for me”: New Muslim group reject CAIR representation

Saker Haque: Another American victim of extremism

Do Al-Huda schools’ conservative teachings breed extremism?

Canada’s Growing Jihadi Cancer

Sunni Muslim Raheel Raza Reveals Truth About Radical Islam, “By the Numbers

By the Numbers – The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics

Short film

Muslim Reform Movement

Muslim Reform Movement

“We reject interpretations of Islam that call for any violence, social injustice and politicized Islam. We invite our fellow Muslims and neighbors to join us.”

Overturn of Canada’s Niqab Ban Reignites Controversy

As a Muslim, I Think Canada Should Ban the Niqab and Burka in Public

As a Muslim, I Think Canada Should Ban the Niqab and Burka in Public

As a Muslim mother who never saw a niqab when I was growing up in Karachi, Pakistan, I am astonished to see Canada’s judiciary caving in to Islamists who have nothing but contempt for Canada’s values of gender equality.

Burqas “make a mockery of Islam”: Raheel Raza

Rebel News

Ban niqab, burka in all public places

A Summer Vacation Likely to End in Horror

Two weeks ago, in the midst of the summer heat, I got a frantic call from a woman in Ottawa who teaches a second language (ESL) to immigrants.

Raheel Raza on the Tennessee Attack: It’s a War, Stupid

A few days ago while Muslims worldwide were gearing up for our major celebration of Eid (the Feast after the Fast), my joy (the word Eid means joy) was taken away by the dreadful murders in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It’s a tragic event and our hearts go out to the families of the Marines killed in this act of terrorism.

The Silent Revolution – TEDxAmsterdamWomen


The Other Face of Terrorism

“We live in a country where we embrace liberal democracy, gender equality, freedom of speech and individual freedoms, so we naïvely think that everyone who comes here has the same values. Wrong. Those are the very values that the terrorists abhor.”

Our Film About ‘Honor Violence’ Should Not Be Censored

Last Sunday, a group of students at the University of South Dakota planned to attend a screening of our film, Honor Diaries, a documentary focused on the abuses women face under the honor system.

How a Native Elder & a Muslim Found Spiritual Friendship at a Christian Celebration

The invitation came from the Centre for Christian Studies to be a presenter at their 130th Anniversary celebrations in Winnipeg.

Female Genital Mutilation: A Barbaric Practice Still Practiced Globally

Female Genital Mutilation: A Barbaric Practice Still Practiced Globally

According to The World Health Organization (WHO) more than 125-million girls and women across the globe have been horrendously abused in a practice known as female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM is comprised of all procedures that involve partial (or total) removal of the external female genitalia.

Boggling Billboards: Should Americans Condemn a Cultural Practice?

The recent installation of billboards in Dearborn condemning female genital mutilation (FGM) — the non-medical cutting of girls’ genitalia in order to “purify” them or ensure their chastity — has received a powerful mixed reaction.

Malala: Won the Battle But Not Yet the War

On December 10, Malala Yousefzai received the Nobel Prize for her dedication to achieving rights and access to education for all girls.

Raheel Raza discusses potential fallout for Candian Muslim Community after terror attacks


Maligning Malala

Ever since Malala Yousafzai — winner this month of the Nobel Peace Prize — came on the scene in October 2012 in a shocking way, after being shot in the face by the Taliban at the age of 15, I have been watching the conspiracy theories unfold.

“Boxed and Packaged Islam” Trying to Pass Itself Off as Mainstream Islam

“In one short interview, the two Muslim speakers had ensured that: a Zionist conspiracy is in place; ISIS is not really dangerous; the West is at war with Muslims, and the killing must continue; Muslims must not speak out on Western media about violence within the faith, and those who do are liars desperately seeking the limelight. So most Muslims stay silent.”

Muslim Women Break Their Silence On Life Under Honour Culture In Hard-Hitting Documentary

In The Muslim World, Silence Falls

In Saturday’s National Post, Rex Murphy asks why there’s so much outrage over Israel’s response to Hamas rocket fire, but the same activists are silent about atrocities committed in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.

From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection

“Boko Haram’s members justify their acts in the name of Islam, and Muslim leaders are intimidated into silence. Add to this a hatred for the West and its values, and you have an explosive combination of violence and faith being pushed upon innocent civilians.”

Q&A Raheel Raza

Don’t ignore women’s struggles in the Muslim world

Islamophobia in action? ‘Honor Diaries’ screening shut down by CAIR

Raheel Raza: Not Afraid of Getting into Trouble


The Real Agenda Behind the Push for “Islamophobia”

The Real Agenda Behind the Push for “Islamophobia”

“Islamists have been successful in building the Islamophobia industry: it diverts attention from activities they would probably prefer not be noticed, such as promoting sharia law in the West, stealth jihad, and a push to implement a global Islamic caliphate, among many others.”

Canada: CAIR-CAN, The NCCM and “The Islamic Victimhood Narrative”

Canada: CAIR-CAN, The NCCM and “The Islamic Victimhood Narrative”

“We will not take seriously criticism from an organization with documented ties to a terrorist organization such as Hamas.” — Jason MacDonald, spokesman for Canada’s Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.

Competing Human Rights in Canada

“Many of us who came from theocratic and patriarchal counties are wholly dependent on Canada’s liberal, secular values to maintain our equality — which others are working so tirelessly to curtail.”

The Danger In Our Midst

“Is it because there are verses in the Qu’ran that can be, and have been, used to justify violence against non-Muslims? If this is the situation, then it is time for us to lift our heads out of the sand, and understand that the enemy is within.”

What Are We Muslims Doing to Ourselves?

An email had come my way saying that the Hizb-ut-Tahrir was planning a meeting at a community Center in Mississauga, Ontario.

Muslim activist embraces Israel

Political Islam: Where is it Headed?

ICC Jerusalem

Looking for an authentic Muslim woman’s voice

On Israel’s President’s Conference

“I would, in retaliation, host Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan “Apartheid Weeks.” Stephen Hawking has, apparently, no issues speaking in China and Iran, two countries with appalling human rights records. No one speaks about BDS of Saudi Arabia, where the list of human rights violations is endless. Where were their voices?

A Woman’s Voice at the Mosque

In the aftermath of the Boston bombings, Toronto and Montreal saw arrests of two Muslims charged with terror related activities. There’s been some hand-wringing and questions about “what leads Muslim youth towards violence?”

Raheel Raza’s Greatest Hits

Youtube video

Muslim women react to Pakistan girl’s shooting

Inside the UN Human Rights Council

Arab Spring vs. Women’s Rights

“In a propaganda trap doubtlessly intended to cripple one politically – like so many others of its kind, such as “racist” – if a woman speaks in ways expected of a woman she is considered an inadequate leader; if she speaks in ways expected of a leader she is considered an inadequate woman. If you can dismiss the person, you can dismiss the issue.”

Shafia trial: Six perspectives on ‘honour’ killings in Canada

ANALYSIS | Ethnic communities questioning ‘honour’ crimes

Interfaith series: Muslim-Christian family strives for unity

Islamism’s war against women

Opposing prayer in Toronto public schools, with dignity


Antisemitism has a direct connection with the rise of Islamism.

The Media’s ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Follies

Muslim Raheel Raza Opposes Ground Zero Mosque

Bill O’Reilly Show

Mischief in Manhattan

Last week, a journalist who writes for the North Country Times, a small newspaper in Southern California, sent us an e-mail titled “Help.”

Wake Up Muslims and Smell the Yemeni Coffee

As most people in North America were basking in the joy and peace of the Christmas season, one of my co-religionists was conducting jihad against the USA, while another 10,000 were meeting in Toronto, hearing from a series of Islamist speakers who steadfastly refuse to distance themselves from the doctrine of armed jihad.

White by birth, Sikh by choice


What happens when you bring six US Ivy league universities and set them up in the desert?

Report on Forensic Scriptures Conference

What the Qur’an reveals about the Bible or How we can know each other.


I’ve spent most of two decades in Canada, involved in interfaith dialogue, but mostly in Ontario and mostly with members of the Abrahamic faiths.

Friction in the family


The month of December holds a special meaning for our family.

The Islamist Role in the 2008 Canadian Elections

Enemies are Everywhere

My annual visit to Pakistan is full of surprises.

Need Training on All Ethnic Groups

It’s with interest and trepidation that I read about a federal government initiative to mandate sensitivity training for airport border officials at Toronto Pearson International Airport “so they can deal more appropriately with Arab and Muslim passengers.”


Earlier this year, when Judy Csillag, Director Community Outreach and Partnerships for The Canadian Centre for Diversity asked me if I would like to participate in a Women of Faith build for Habitat for Humanity, I said yes with no idea of what this would entail.

Earth Hour? It’s a cinch for Desis

I’ve signed up for Earth Hour.

Endlessly Divisible Canada

This month it’s been twenty years since I came to Canada.

Standing on guard for our country

I had just finished reading the front-page story in the Saturday Star about Canadian identity or “what it means to be Canadian” when I heard the news about an attack at the Glasgow airport.

A Weapon of Mass Instruction

Islamic studies teacher addresses controversies – Muslim students surprised by her modern approach.

Muslim Leaders Without Beards

A few weeks ago, in the wake of the Danish cartoon controversy, when Canadian media wanted to speak with representatives of the Muslim community, they chose Muslim males without asking or even bothering to find leadership among Muslim women.

Young, Hip and South Asian

When Asad Rahman moved to Toronto from New York, he thought he would have to rent a one-bedroom apartment like the one he had in Manhattan.

Khadr Case a Wake-up Call

We must be vigilant about teaching our children inherent Muslim values and applying them in the Canadian context.

Weaving Web of Peace

It wasn’t tourism that brought women of various faiths and nationalities to Ottawa last month.

Seasonal Post Mortem

In our family, the best part of a holiday, event or party is the post mortem known fondly as P.M.

A Sick Notion of Honor

“You have each been convicted of the planned and deliberate murder of four members of your family. The apparent reason behind these cold-blooded, shameful murders was that the four completely innocent victims offended your twisted notion of honor, a notion of honor that is founded upon the domination and control of women, a sick notion of honor that has absolutely no place in any civilized society.”